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Home Airsoft Guns Airsoft Pistols Gas Airsoft Pistols Tanaka S&W M19 6 inch Heavyweight Gas Revolver (Version 3)

Tanaka S&W M19 6 inch Heavyweight Gas Revolver (Version 3)

Tanaka S&W M19 6 inch Heavyweight Gas Revolver (Version 3)

Current Price$194.93
Original Price $205.19
SKU TNK-4537212010597


Ammo Size 6mm
Capacity (rds) 12
Color Black
Country Japan
Hop up FIXED
Inner Barrel Length (mm) 90
Length (mm) 320.0
Magazine Type Gas Pistols
Material Plastic
Net Weight (g) 810.0
Style S&W
Platform GAS
Power (fps) 300
Power Source Green Gas / HFC134A
Replica Type PISTOL
Shooting Mode Semi Auto
Size Black

Product Description:

About Real Revolver
The Smith & Wesson Model 19 is a revolver produced by Smith & Wesson that was introduced in 1957 on its K-frame. The Model 19 is chambered for .357 Magnum. The K-frame is somewhat smaller and lighter than the original N-frame .357, usually known as the Smith & Wesson Model 27. A stainless steel variant of the Model 19, the Smith & Wesson Model 66, was introduced in 1971.

About Airsoft Guns
The Tanaka S&W M19 is a high-quality replication of its K Frame real steel counterpart.  This version is made with high-quality ABS plastic and finished in such a way that is almost unrecognizable from a full metal version.

Tanaka S&W M19 6 inch Heavyweight Gas Revolver (Version 3)
M19 Version 3 Revolver
Heavy Weight Version
Gas Injected Revolver

Realistic Bullet Type housing chamber (Able to Store 12 Rounds BB Bullet)
Polymer Wood Texture Grip
Excellent Craftsmanship with Textured grip and Solid Pistol Frame

Authentic look & finishing by Tanaka Works, Japan