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Airsoft Guns vs BB Guns: The Differences Explained.

Airsoft Guns vs BB Guns: The Differences Explained.


What is an Airsoft Gun?

An airsoft gun is a replica firearm that shoots plastic BBs using compressed air or gas. Airsoft guns are used in airsoft games, which are similar to paintball games, but with different rules and objectives. Unlike real firearms, airsoft gun are designed to be non-lethal and are used primarily for recreational purposes.

Airsoft guns come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from pistols to rifles and even machine guns. They can be powered by spring, electric, HPA, or gas, with each type of power source providing different levels of performance and realism. Airsoft guns can also be modified with various aftermarket parts to enhance their performance or aesthetics.

An ASG Scorpion Evo 3 airsoft gun

It's important to note that airsoft guns look very similar to real firearms, so it's crucial to always treat them with the same level of respect and caution as you would a real weapon. Additionally, airsoft guns should only be used in designated areas where proper safety precautions are in place.

Electric airsoft guns use an electric motor to generate the power needed to propel the BBs. These guns have a gearbox that contains a set of gears that are driven by an electric motor. When the trigger is pulled, the gears rotate, compressing a spring, which then releases the air needed to propel the BBs. Many electric airsoft guns also have a battery compartment, which powers the motor that drives the gears.

Gas-powered airsoft guns use either propane or green gas to generate the power needed to propel the BBs. These guns have a gas reservoir, which is filled with gas, and when the trigger is pulled, a small amount of gas is released into the firing chamber. This gas pushes the BB out of the barrel at high velocity.

Spring-powered airsoft guns are the most basic type and use a spring-loaded piston to generate the power needed to propel the BB. When the gun is cocked, the spring is compressed, and when the trigger is pulled, the spring is released, pushing the piston forward and compressing the air in the cylinder behind it. This compressed air is then used to propel the BB out of the barrel.

For more information, check out our blog What is an Airsoft Gun?

BB guns seem similar to airsoft at first glance, but there are important differences

What is a BB Gun?

A BB gun is a type of air gun that fires small metal or plastic pellets called BBs. BB guns are typically used for recreational shooting, target practice, or pest control. They are also sometimes used in competitive shooting sports.

BB guns come in a variety of styles and designs, including pistols, rifles, and even some fully automatic models. They can be powered by various means, such as spring, gas, or electricity.

It's important to note that BB guns can be dangerous if not used properly. While they are not as powerful as real firearms, they can still cause serious injury or even death if used inappropriately. Some BB guns are powerful enough to kill rabbits and squirrels.  Therefore, it's crucial to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines when using a BB gun, and to only use it in designated areas where proper safety precautions are in place.

BB Guns VS Airsoft Guns

BB guns and airsoft gun are both types of air guns that fire small projectiles, but there are some key differences between them.

The most significant difference between the two is the type of projectile they fire. BB guns fire small metal or plastic pellets called BBs, while airsoft guns fire plastic BBs. BBs are typically heavier and travel at higher velocities than airsoft BBs, which can make them more suitable for target shooting or pest control. Airsoft BBs, on the other hand, are designed to be non-lethal and are used primarily for recreational purposes.

Another difference between the two is the level of realism they offer. Airsoft guns are designed to be replicas of real firearms and often have a more realistic look and feel than BB guns. Airsoft guns can also be modified with various aftermarket parts to enhance their performance or aesthetics. BB guns, on the other hand, are typically designed to be simpler and more utilitarian in appearance.

Finally, there are some differences in how BB guns and airsoft guns are used and regulated. BB guns are typically used for target shooting or pest control, while airsoft guns are used primarily for recreational games. In some areas, BB guns may be subject to more strict regulations than airsoft guns, as they are considered to be more dangerous due to their heavier projectiles and higher velocities.

Overall, the choice between a BB gun and an airsoft gun depends on the intended use and personal preferences of the user. It's important to always follow proper safety guidelines and use the guns responsibly, regardless of which type is chosen.

Airsoft guns offer a more realistic experience

Can a BB Gun be used as an Airsoft Gun?

No, a BB gun should not be used as an airsoft gun and vice versa. While they are both air powered guns that fire small projectiles, there are some key differences in the design of the guns and the ammunition they use.  

BB guns fire small metal or plastic pellets called BBs, while airsoft guns fire plastic BBs. The BBs used in BB guns are typically heavier and travel at higher velocities than airsoft BBs. Additionally, the mechanisms and power sources used to propel the BBs are different between the two types of guns.

BB guns, or air guns, were never designed to be fired at humans.  They are meant for target shooting and small game hunting.  Firing a BB gun or air gun at a human can cause serious injury and the steel BB may embed itself into the person’s flesh.

Note that the caliber of BB guns is typically 4.5mm, while airsoft guns shoot 6mm plastic BBs.  So you could not fit an airsoft BB into an air gun or BB gun.  Conversely, if you tried to load a 4.5mm steel BB into an airsoft gun, the steel BB would not stay inside the gun properly to be fired, and the energy levels of an airsoft gun would be much too low to propel a steel BB any meaningful distance.

You cannot really interchange the two types of guns.

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